1. Everyone fell in love with Stranger Things.
I’m only typing things in the Stranger Things font from now on
— Jen Lewis (@thisjenlewis)
2. But, really, mostly just Eleven.
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
yup. that’s me. so you’re probably wondering how I got myself into this situation
— Kardashian Reactions (@KardashianReact)
3. Westworld was pretty much the only thing anyone with their friend’s parents’ HBO login could talk about.
HBO: before you pitch, just remember we love nudes
WESTWORLD SHOWRUNNER: what if I told you … there was a whole WAREHOUSE of nudes— Adam Conover (@adamconover)
4. And, at times, it was a little *too* real.
a simple tweet to say everything in westworld and black mirror is literally going to happen and we’re hurtling towards our inevitable doom
— Dan Howell (@danisnotonfire)
5. Then there was Hodor making us cry a thousand tears.
Everyone after tonight #GameofThrones
— Andrew Sampson (@Andrewmd5)
6. And This Is Us making us cry a thousand more.
Not even wiping away tears for the next episodes. Just gonna let the first ones create tracks for a more even, efficient flow.
— John Mayer (@JohnMayer)
7. There was Ben’s season of The Bachelor…
Bens not okay #TheBachelor
— Alyssa Reid (@AlyssaReid)
8. And JoJo’s season of The Bachelorette.
When you’re sad but wanna show off an amazing dress that looks good from every single angle #TheBachelorette
— Jessica Goodman (@jessgood)
9. Leo’s Oscar win made us all scream, “FINALLY!!”
Leonardo DiCaprio holds his Oscar and waits for feeling to enter him.
“Nothing,” he whispers to himself. The people cheer.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker)
10. Oh, and of course there were a bajillion live musicals.
I would sleep with literally every member of this cast #GreaseLive
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47)
11. Like, there were a lot of them.
Here’s a fun #RockyHorror drinking game: every time they cut to the “audience” turn off the tv & go do anything else.
— Bree Essrig (@BreeEssrig)
12. A lot, a lot.
“A whole lot of ugly comin’ at you from a neverending parade of stupid” is a good tagline for 2016. #HairsprayLive
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman)
13. John Travolta’s eyebrows on The People v. O.J. Simpson gave us life.
John Travolta’s eyebrows should be in the Smithsonian #ThePeoplevOJSimpson
— Ray Rahman (@RayRahman)
14. And the Gilmore Girls revival made a spectacle out of Thanksgiving.
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin)
15. The debates gave us Ken Bone and his red sweater.
“How will you protect my job as a card in Guess Who?” #debates
— Bad Hombre (@horsedivorce)
16. And Hillary Clinton’s concession speech empowered little girls.
“To all the little girls watching…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world.”
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)
17. The Olympics made us believe we could do things that we actually cannot do.
When you see the olympics gymnastics and get inspired
— Mia (@miakgb)
18. But it’s OK because our love for Harambe carried us through.
harambe watchin over these games
— mollie (@mshaferschweig)
20. Fuller House premiered and called out the Olsen twins.
The SHADE!!! 😂😂😂 #FullerHouse
— Reneé Larson (@iamreneejai)
21. And SNL’s David S. Pumpkins stole our hearts.
Not sure why David S. Pumpkins hasn’t won an award yet tonight. #CriticsChoice
— Doug Benson (@DougBenson)
22. Oh, and finally, ABC Family rebranded itself as The-Network-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
honestly the worst moment of 2016 was when ABC Family changed their name to Freeform
— Tyler Stephenson (@tysteph14)