“I love you and I treasure you, and YA BORE ME.”
This post contains spoilers for the fifth season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine! Stop reading now if you don’t want to know.
When they wanted to start dating but didn’t want things to get weird.
When Jake accidentally revealed how they spend their evenings together.
FOX / Via juliadorable.tumblr.com
When Amy was awesome and Jake loved that about her.
When Jake revealed all the ways Amy looks after him.
FOX / Via elisebaunam.tumblr.com
When Jake reassured Amy about the Sergeants’ Exam.
When they still kept their relationship totally professional at work.
When Jake still liked to tease Amy every once in a while.
FOX / Via juliadorable.tumblr.com
When Jake revealed the moment he fell for Amy.
When Amy met Jake’s mom for the first time.
FOX / Via daisyrildley.tumblr.com
When Jake slid across the full bullpen in his socks, and Amy couldn’t have been prouder.
FOX / Via bingpotsantiago.tumblr.com
When Amy was honest about her reasons for kissing Jake.
FOX / Via peraltiagogifs.tumblr.com
When they interrupted a serious talk with a good pop culture reference.
FOX / Via amyyperalta.tumblr.com
When Amy comforted Jake when he was scared he was going to jail.
FOX / Via amanitacaplan.tumblr.com
When Amy’s voice made Jake feel better, even when he was in prison.
FOX / Via amanitacaplan.tumblr.com
When they revealed how they knew they were perfect for each other.
FOX / Via dailyperaltiago.tumblr.com
When Jake’s nicknames for Amy evolved as their relationship grew.
FOX / Via sergeant-santiago.tumblr.com
When Jake first realized he wanted to propose.
FOX / Via loveisamixtape.tumblr.com
When Jake called Amy’s dad to tell him he was going to propose.
FOX / Via fanaticandfemale.tumblr.com
When Jake didn’t let their love get in the way of some good trash talk.
FOX / Via peraltiagogifs.tumblr.com
When Jake was a little turned on by Amy’s cruel demeanor.