No one can deny that Love, Actually is a Christmas classic that should be watched on repeat throughout December. But, as iconic as it is, ever since it was released 15 years ago, it’s left us with some questions that we may never have the answers to.
Like, how do none of the weddings guests notice an entire orchestra hiding among them?
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They take up almost half of the seats — wouldn’t Juliet and Peter be confused about the number of strangers attending their wedding?
Why is Sarah wearing this hat?
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I know it’s cold, but you just don’t wear a fleece beanie to a wedding.
And what exactly is Mark planning on doing with all that super creepy, up-close recording of Juliet?
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I think we can take a guess… 🤨
Why does Harry take it upon himself to call Sarah into his office to give her a pep talk about Karl?
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No one wants unsolicited dating advice from their boss.
What is Natalie’s actual job?
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David tells his sister that she’s his catering manager, but all she seems to do is bring him chocolate biscuits.
And what movie are Judy and Jack body doubles for?
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I’m curious to know what kind of film involves that many mundane sex scenes in such a fancy mansion.
Why is Mia only just starting to plan the Christmas party in December?
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This is the most unrealistic part of the movie, how did she expect to find an unbooked venue three weeks before Christmas?!
Why is Karen so damn cold when Daniel breaks down about his dead wife?
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Was a proper hug just too much effort?
Why does Jamie leave the only copy of his book outside on such a windy day?
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Also, it’s 2003 — get a laptop, Jamie.
And why is Natalie constantly being fat-shamed?
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It would be wrong regardless of her size, but as it stands she’s slim in the movie and we’re supposed to suspend our disbelief! *eye roll*
Why does Jamie say he’ll drop Aurelia home but then make her get out and walk halfway down the road?
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Look how far she has to walk!
Why is Mia in fancy dress at the Christmas party?
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Everyone else is wearing normal attire, and there she is, dressed as the devil. What is the meaning of this?
What happened with Sarah and Karl after their super awkward encounter???
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It’s been 15 years and we still have no idea if they ever went on a date again 😓.
And why does Harry think he’s found a Joni Mitchell CD that Karen hasn’t heard?
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She loves Joni Mitchell, so unless it’s a top-secret unreleased album, she probably owns it already. Do better, Harry.
Are we meant to find Mark’s stalkery cue card performance romantic?
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And are we supposed to gloss over the fact that he’s a terrible friend to Peter?
And why on earth does Juliet kiss him?!
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Did she not see his creepy stalker tape?!
Instead of wandering around Wandsworth, why doesn’t David just look up Natalie’s address?
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I mean, he should know a thing or two about the electoral roll…
What are Jack and Judy doing at the school play?
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Whose children do they know? Is this their date? Why are they so excited? I have so many questions.
How can Aurelia be this restaurant’s best waitress when she’s spent the past month jumping into lakes in France?
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Things aren’t adding up here…
How does Samuel make his way through the departure gate so easily?!
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This is just a really bad ad for British airport security tbh.
And finally, why is everyone wearing a turtleneck?
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I know it’s been asked before but I’m gonna ask it again — why on earth are there TWENTY-TWO turtlenecks in Love, Actually? Did the costume department have a sponsorship deal? Is it part of some kind of hidden message? We will never know.