I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying. Warning: potential spoilers ahead.
Note: Not all submissions are from Community users.
When Kristina told the family she had breast cancer.
“Hands-down, no contest when Kristina told the family that she had cancer at the arcade. Even though you couldn’t hear what she was saying, I was sobbing at the family’s reactions. I’m sure I would still burst into tears if I watched it again now.”
Zeke’s death.
“Nothing will come close to Zeke’s death. I was so devastated and I cried for so long. He was amazing with his kids and grandkids and wanted the best for them.”
“When Zeke died and they spread his ashes on the baseball field. I ugly cry so hard every time I see that scene.”
And when Adam finds, and watches, the video.
“When Kristina was hospitalized during her cancer treatments and Adam found the video she made with messages to her children in case she didn’t make it. Completely broke me!”
“For a second, you really don’t think she’s going to make it but then the entire family comes to visit. I cried so hard.”
“This scene completely destroyed me and I still cannot watch it without totally falling apart and sobbing.”
When Adam tells Zeke he’s worried about Max.
“He’s confiding in his dad about a potentially very serious situation about his son. As a parent, I just LOST it right there.”
—Katy Reeve, Facebook
When Drew tells his mom Amy had an abortion.
“The scene where Drew tells his mom that Amy had an abortion and he bursts into tears, which makes Sarah start crying. It gets me every time.”
The demise of Joel and Julia’s relationship.
“I was very invested in Julia & Joel and it broke my heart when Joel wouldn’t try to work things out, even when Julia was begging him to. And it just punched me in the gut when they had to tell the kids.”
When Joel and Julia discuss who gets what once their divorce is finalized.
“They cried, held hands, and hugged. I could feel the emotion through the TV and cried with them. It’s like I’ve experienced something of that nature and it took me back to that pain of losing someone you shared so much with. A significant other that happens to be your best friend.”
When Kristina explains Max’s diagnosis to Adam.
“Adam kept trying to rationalize Max’s behavior, and she said, ‘Please don’t make me go through this alone.’ It took me four tries to get through that scene because I couldn’t stop bawling.”
When Adam explains the severity of Christina’s cancer to Haddie.
“The phone conversation between Adam and Haddie when Adam is explaining Christina’s cancer in absolute detail. Then Haddie asks him how he’s doing and he just breaks down. That scene gets me every time. It’s hard to see Adam, who normally holds it together very well, be that vulnerable.”
Nbc / Colleen Hayes / NBC
When Crosby and Jasmine reunite after Crosby cheats on her.
“When Jamsine runs after him while he’s driving away while Jabbar cries in the background. I happy cry everytime.”
Any time Drew cried.
“Literally any time Drew cried, I cried. That angsty little teenager knew how to get me.”