“I can kill you with my brain.”
When Zoe saw Serenity for the first time.
When Mal and Zoe sassed their captors.
FOX / Via feyminism.tumblr.com
When Zoe needed some alone time with her husband.
FOX / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
When Wash tried to be poetic with Zoe.
FOX / Via keatingannalise.tumblr.com
When Wash found it difficult to believe River had psychic powers.
Wash: Psychic, though? That’s like something out of science fiction.
Zoe: You live in a spaceship, dear.
Wash: So?
FOX / Via maldoraan.tumblr.com
When River taunted Jayne.
FOX / Via youtube.com
When Simon insisted he knew how to swear.
When Simon upset Kaylee yet again.
When Kaylee wanted some reassurance.
Kaylee: Wash, tell me I’m pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Kaylee: ‘Cause I’m pretty?
Wash: ‘Cause you’re pretty.
FOX / Via deadpools-girlfriend.tumblr.com
When Wash played with his dinosaur toys.
Wash: “We will rule over all this land, and we shall call it… this land.” “I think we should call it ‘your grave!'” “Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!” “Ha, ha, ha! Mine is an evil laugh! Now die!” “Oh, no, God! Oh, dear God in heaven!”
When Mal wasn’t interested in what Jayne had to say.
Jayne: We ain’t had a job in weeks! I didn’t sign on with this crew to take in the sights. We need coin!
Mal: Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look into that.
FOX / Via serenitygifs.tumblr.com
When Zoe and Wash couldn’t help teasing Mal.
FOX / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
When River ripped pages from the Bible in order to “fix it.”
FOX / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
When Jayne tested the equipment.
Jayne: Testing. Captain, can you hear me?
Mal: I’m standing right here.
Jayne: You’re comin’ through good and loud.
Mal: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
FOX / Via inaraserraz.tumblr.com
When Shepherd Book knew about some loopholes in the Bible.
FOX / Via nojillnolife.tumblr.com
When Wash momentarily forgot his job.
Zoe: Proximity alert. Must be coming up on something.
Wash Oh, my God. What can it be? We’re all doomed? Who’s flying this thing?! …Oh, right, that would be me.
FOX / Via inaraserraz.tumblr.com
When Kaylee offered a little too much information.
FOX / Via midnightinjapan.tumblr.com
When Mal was a master of disguise.
FOX / Via awkward-pi.tumblr.com
And, of course, any moment with Jayne’s hat.
FOX / Via imgur.com