“Wailing awkwardly.”
When it accurately summed up your thoughts about froyo.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it understood your priorities in life.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it totally nailed what it’s like to be an amateur cook.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And when it knew your grocery shopping habits.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it totally got your intimate relationship with your food.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it illustrated how exhausting it is to be around people.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And also how exhausting it is to just exist.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it showed you how to appropriately express your emotions.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And also how to make a great first impression.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it knew the kinky stuff you’re into.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And when it also captured your more romantic side.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it taught you how to sell yourself.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And how to own up to the decisions you’ve made.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
When it summed up what it’s like to go on the internet.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com
And, finally, when it completely understood what you do during your alone time.
@nocontextgoodplace / Via nocontextgoodplace.tumblr.com